Thursday, January 23, 2014

How silent words speak

Words left unspoken are often the loudest of them all. Louder than the ones that we utter. When we can't find our voice to speak or can't find the right words. How we react to certain things speak for us even when we don't know what to say. People always seem to have the wrong words at the wrong times and the right words at the right times. But I just speak by never speaking. Ill let how I change speak for me.


Those sneaky stands

People in music class will understand this one. These stands like the hobbit and the leaner get really annoying. Especially when you are at a concert. Boy, wish I never have to have a bad stand then. They just seem to be normal until you put the sheet of music onto it. They are indeed very crafty at hiding. o.O

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The hobbit

Oh. I can't wait until the hobbit comes out, well the 3rd one. The desolation of smaug was amazing! Smaug was exactly what I had pictured, from the huge powerful voice and to the amazing fire breath. Then they leave it at the most suspenseful cliffhanger.! Always keeping us on our toes as always!